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We've been asked to share the following bonspiels notices with our members:
Welcome the World Senior's Curling - Oct 27 to Nov 3, 2025 at Midland CC (Midland, MI)
Welcome the World was started in 2011 by Sherry and Bob Armstrong and the Senior Curling League at the Stroud Curling Club in Ontario. The goal is to give Senior Curlers (50+) the opportunity to travel, socialize and curl with like-minded individuals around the world. It is not a competition. Participants enter as individuals or couples. Event hosts offer a week of curling intermixed with activities and tours that showcase the local community. All for the joy of curling.
After hosting by Stroud for several start-up years, WTW has now been held in host clubs around the world, including Scotland, Ohio, Saskatchewan, Denmark, and New Zealand. The Midland Curling Club hosted in March 2017, and we are excited to host again. To accommodate the growth of the WTW Community, we are offering entry in two complementary formats, the “WTW Classic” and the “WTW Combo.” Separate entry forms are attached. Both formats will provide a quality curling experience, the opportunity to make new friends, and the renewal of old friendships.